Hello! We're Nannies!
/Blogging. Everyones doing it. So, we're hopping on that bandwagon too!
We decided we don't want anyone left out of all the fun things The Nanny Company Inc. is up to, so what better way than to blog! Our plan here is to share fun activities, craft or snack ideas, Nanny tips, parent tips for Nannies, Nanny tips for parents... basically anything that involves Nannies, kiddies & families. Cause, well, thats who we value and love around here!
As the culture of one working-parent and one stay-at-home parent is changing, the idea of a nanny seems to be a really intriguing concept for many people. As soon as we mention we are not the mother, however we are the Nanny (after we've put off mentioning we're the Nanny as we've apparently incorrectly gauged the length & depth of the conversation that is about to take place), we get many surprised looks. This often opens the floodgates to maannnnyyyy different questions, in which we're going to answer right here, right now!
"Oh, so you're a babysitter. When are you going to get a real job?"
Ummm. Ouch. Thank you, but we are not just babysitters. Babysitters do not come to the home on a consistent basis, nor do they have the responsibility that Nannies have. As well, did you know you can take a Nanny Credential Exam through the International Nanny Association. Many Nannies start off Nannying and some of them choose to specialize in additional areas, such as Newborn Care Specialists, Doulas, Night Time Nanny, Multiples/Triplets/Quadruplet Nanny, etc. that are child related which really improves the Nannies qualifications. And some of them even start a Nanny business. ;)
"So, do both the parents work?"
In short, yes, most often they do. The occasional time, we hire a part time Nanny to help some mommies get back on their feet after another baby, get some "me time" or simply do all the errands kid free (hello! What a luxury, right?!).
"Do you go to their homes?"
Yes! That is one of the biggest advantages of having a nanny. We come to YOU! No need to wake your kids up at the crack of dawn, try and get their tummies full and battle to dress them all to drop them off at daycare before the sun is even awake! We come in, meet you where you're at and take it from there, allowing mom & dad to get ready for their work day, with the least interruptions possible.
"Do you live at their home?"
In Winnipeg, there is not a big need for live-in Nannies, however it is a possibility. Though, all of our nannies currently live at their own homes.
"What do you do all day?"
Ha! This question is almost like asking a stay-at-home mom what she does all day. Our main goal is to ensure the children are safe & happy while helping the parents manage the home. Managing the home looks different to all families; for some, that means grocery shopping, meal prep or booking and arranging children hair cuts. Keeping up with the childrens laundry, doing light housekeeping, creating a stimulating environment for the children to learn, develop and grow. Hosting playdates, going on outings, attending classes. Helping with the preparation of birthday parties, shopping for Christmas & birthday gifts... the list really is endless. However, the biggest, most important part of this, is that all these tasks are agreed upon prior to the nanny starting with the family, and a fair wage-to-expectation is agreed upon.
"What type of education do you need to have to be a Nanny?"
This one is a little tricky. There are courses you can take to help improve your knowledge about childcare, along with certificates from different courses. However, experience is really the biggest factor -- with a love for children too, obviously! Oh! Common sense & good natural instincts are a HUGE asset too. ;)
To say these are all the questions a Nanny gets asked would be pretty far off, however the baby just woke from her nap, and we've got some snackin & playing to do!
The tiniest blogger.
If these questions left you hanging, or if you have other questions about Nannies, feel free to comment or send us an email at info@thenannycompany.ca. We'd be happy to answer!